
My research areas are Differential Geometry and Algebraic Topology; in particular so-called higher-categorical structures. I am also interested in the geometry of loop spaces, Lie theory, spin geometry, and homotopy theory. My research is mainly motivated by problems from theoretical physics, mostly in the field of two and three dimensional quantum field theories, and in the field of topological phases in condensed matter systems.

Please consult the following subpages for more information:

Recent work

String structures and loop spaces
Paper, December 2023
to appear in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (2nd edition)

A representation of the string 2-group
Paper, written together with Peter Kristel, Matthias Ludewig
August 2023

The stringor bundle
Talk, Conference "Geometries from Strings and Fields", Galileo Galilei Institute, July 2023


Upcoming events

Seminar "The Connes Embedding Problem"
organized together with Alexander Engel, Biologische Station Hiddensee
September 8-13, 2024

Upcoming visits and talks

  • Summer school "From T-duality via K-theory to representation theory"
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    September 30 - October 4, 2024